Thursday, May 27, 2010

you, the blues, and finding light again

I have not posted here in a while. I struggle when it comes to finding the right words when things are not rosy. My grandpa has been in the hospital the couple of weeks. He had a five bypass heart surgery and has been in rehab the last couple of days to gain his strength. He actually isn't my grandpa but he's been married to my grandma for the past 11 years. His name is Noal Cranford. And he's been really the only grandpa figure in my life besides my grandma's 2nd husband, Dwayne who passed away 13 years ago. Isn't it amazing who you consider family? Sometimes family is not by blood, indeed.

I am once inspired by Jennifer's words of late. To be you!

As I sit here today, I am renewed by her words. I have been feeling a bit of the blahs (or the blues as i like to call it). I couldn't pin-point it. I don't know what happened the last few days....i don't know if it was all the hospital visits that left me drained, recently getting sick myself, or if its a feeling of not being able to get out and run as much as I'm used to.......but something was there. the thought of getting in the studio felt like "work".....i wasn't looking forward to it. it was as if it was too tasking of a thought to create. Thankfully, the blahs only lasted about a week. Yesterday, i had a bit of resurgence and today even more magic was sent rushing through me with the uplifting words by Jennifer. Its not the first time that she has touched my soul and sent light just when darkness was starting to cloud me.

other bursts of light that seemed to brighten me up were seeing my grandpa walk and ride the bike today and doing an encaustic demo last night. funny how the universe has a way of balancing you. and yesterday.....well yesterday i "forced" myself to go into the studio. and i said i would just sit there if that was all that i did. well i didn't just sit there.....i painted, i felt renewed. and today i feel i've "snapped out of it". i feel normal again. back to my bubbly "wanttopaint" self.

here is my first painting video. i did this painting in roughly 15 minutes. a learning experience.....most definitely. i am still trying to find the perfect video editing software that can "speed up" the video......

15min painting from mindy lacefield on Vimeo.

the music is by larkin poe. they are brillant. and i have had the awesome opportunity to paint their spring, summer, and upcoming fall and winter cd covers.....holy moses, that makes me happy.  if i could put music to my paintings, it would be them. I guess they felt the same way...vice/versa.....:-) but it totally works....yeah?!?

and i am so excited to show you the image of the spring cd cover art!!!

from "Larkin Poe: the name of our great-great-great-grandfather; a man who survives in the memories and hearts of succeeding generations; a legend, a tall tale, a truly everlasting story. Just the thing that we hope to become."


  1. Sorry to hear about your grandpa and all the problems he's been having and how that has made you feel too! Hugs for you sweetie x

    I do love your latest painting, it's a real cutie and the little video of it too.
    I've had a bit of a doily and lace fascination lately and have a collection of them sitting waiting for something to do, I love how you used yours, so pretty!

    Micki x

  2. Glad you are feeling better, I think we all go through times like that.

    Congrats on the covers - the spring one looks great. How fun!!!!!

    Praying for a full recovery for you Grandfather!!

  3. I always say we have our family of birth and our family by choice. If we are lucky they overlap. Blessings to you Grandpa. Thank you for the link to Jennifer. Perfect words for me today!

  4. Hope your grandpa continues to improve. Love the video of your painting - hope you add more soon.

    ox, mary ann

  5. I am sorry to hear about your grandpa. I hope he continues to improve!

    Sending love and hugs.

  6. Dear Mindy,
    Hi there sweets..I am glad your feeling better..I miss you and i hope we get to see eachother again..I am so happy for you and al of your success..I think what makes me so happy is that your making the world sweeter and adding so much needed cutenes to it you my sweet the way I am eeling better and very accepting of whatever may come and guess what...I went out on a date!!!! wow was nice really thats you m friend..g

  7. Hi Sweet Mindy,
    Glad to hear that your grandpa is doing better. I think we all go through the struggles you have articulated here and I think it's so great that you have documented it and shared it with us. I find that writing stuff down really helps to clarify it and when you share it with others, there's that wonderful feeling that you are not alone, but are being supported by a whole community. Love to see you blossoming!!!



  8. hi sweet one,

    so happy to hear grandpa is coming around the bend! from all that you is no wonder you slipped into a bit of a funk...

    and you know what???
    that's okay...let it come and it will pass!!

    i absolutley adore the video of you painting...watching your hands create one of your sweet, cute creations!!

    sending you a huge squeeze!!

    (oh...and isn't that beautiful soul Jennifer a wise one...i love her so much!!)


  9. oh sweet girl - I know what you mean about the blues & creative dry spells.
    You & your grandpa are in my thoughts.
    Love the video - if you find a good editing program/software - let me know - I filmed footage for a video back in Jan and struggled with Windows movie maker for several weeks before throwing in the towel - can get it to speed up without making the music I add all jumpy - soooo frustrating!!

    Glad to see you are finding your groove again sweet sistar!


  10. I am so sorry to hear of your Grandpa... I really hope he is on the mend soon.
    I loved your first painting video so cute.
    I hope we can get the cd in New Zealand? am going to keep my eye out.

  11. so sorry to hear about your 'grandpa' =-( i do have to agree about family not always being blood related, though!

    and i LOVE the final results of the album cover art!! it looks fabulous...i know i've said it several times but thank you so much for asking me to help you through the legal logistics of this project. it was a great experience to learn more and help YOU!

  12. Hello sweet Mindy,

    I too am happy to hear that you are feeling the sunshine again...Life is all about the ups and downs...Thank-you for sharing these parts with us. I will be sending LOVE to Grandpa and sending you kisses via the internet. I absolutely LOVE the cover of the Spring CD...A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!

    And the video makes me miss you even more! xox

  13. So Sorry to hear about your Grandpa:(

    I love the video, you are amazing, i have just come acroos your work & i LOVE it.

    Well done.

  14. light to your grandpa's heart and love to your heart miNdy :)

    i love watching your process and i love your paint clothes too :)

    congrats on the covers :)

    when i have a bad case of the blues, i force myself to create. i think nothing good will come because of my low energy, but i'm always surprised. my little spirit shines through and i feel better.

    sUz :)

  15. Sorry to hear about your Grandpa, hope he has a speedy recovery:)

    Have only recently come across your fabulous work.

    Love it all!!! your AMAZING:)))))

  16. I just posted about feeling blah today too.

    I hope your grandpa keeps getting better. I'm sending big hugs to you and him.

  17. Dear Minky,

    I so admire your bravery for sharing your feelings. I hope you know that it helps others so much to know they are not alone and I KNOW it's not an easy task. I went through a similar situation when my Dad was very ill. I know that I would get so run down emotionally and almost feel "guilty" when I was doing my art and knew how he was suffering. My heart goes out to your grandpa and I am thinking of him today(and you) and sending prayers your way.

    On a positive note, I LOVE your video and I think you are quite an amazing young woman.
    lotsa hugs, xxooo Amy

  18. Wow, I don't blame you at all for having the blues. Sounds like a lot of stress has been happening in your life. So sorry to hear about your grandfather, that must have been a very scary time, but I'm glad to hear he's recovering now.

    It's never any fun, to not like going into your studio to create, and I'm super glad to hear you have gotten past that hurdle!

    I'm off to watch your video now, can't wait to see your new stuff!!

    Have a great weekend!

  19. Your paintings always, always make me smile!

    Sending you and your grandpa lots of love and light.

  20. Oh my sweetness, im so sorry to hear about your grandpa and your "off" week... I think its a way ot reflecting and then slightly changing the way you see the world or how you approach glad your grandpa is okay and that you are back in the studio, art heals too and you do spread so much joy with your creations, So fabulous to see the cd cover and yes it totally works wonderfully. Miss your smiling face and voice. xxx

  21. i agree with you about the wise and soulful jennifer. i have found myself feeling very connected to what she writes. i am glad your grandpa is on the mend and i am glad you are in the studio. we all need a break now and again and we all need support, so keep connecting with us so we can be there for you when you are blue and when you are a happy yellow!
    Love ya bunches!

  22. I hope that your grandfather is doing better. Sending healing thoughts your way.

    I loved seeing this video of you painting. It brought such a happy smile to my face.

    You continue to blow me away. I love watching you spread your wings and fly.


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