Monday, September 24, 2012


kelly, me, and jennifer at kelly's table at the Squam art fair

I wrote these words on the last full day of Squam...on the dock....after yoga.....

The moon and stars cradle us to sleep
crackling fire. scarves. trail. rocking chair
a lingering embrace
a loon's call unexpected in the middle of the day. 
two of them.
they call out to one another. 
a song only for each other.

Reaching out. 
Listening with hands on chin.
so deep. realizing that someone gets you.
in their eyes you see your own vulnerable self
you were waiting for a knowing you couldn't imagine possible
Here it is before me.
I share this time with you 
and it fills up my soul
until I feel it well up to my throat
I tell you I love you
and I've only just met you.

thank you Jennifer and Kelly. You inspire me to write. You inspire me to laugh and play. and to remember to be myself no matter what. you make it so easy to tell you I love you....

Monday, September 17, 2012


it was a place for wishes to be set free

to arrive at this very moment

for convening on the dock

for pointing your toes to the sky

and hugging the ones you love

for nestling down by the cabin fireplace

 and for creating friendships you know will last a lifetime

the dock
my feet wet
making prints that only my own bare toes could imprint
a mark not consistent with their shape
slowly fading
its memory only known by the wood
holding it there in the grain

while others visit,
our marks meet
creating unity
rippling out into the life of the wood

sounds are the same
air and water trade moments
falling and ascending
creating new sources
a conduit of creativity and motion

we are here to witness the sparks of light
as they convene and embark on their own journey
mark making footprints and meeting
where the wood held us up

joining and connecting
those who....
may have never met
if not for the dock.