Saturday, June 30, 2012


On this hot morning, with the AC blasting and the fan whirling.....i snuggle up in my red quilt to read Alena Hennessey's book again -  Cultivating Your Creative Life .

Alena really speaks to me. She reminds the reader to slow down and by doing so you'll coax the magic spark that lies deep in each and every one of us. I'll admit, the struggle for me to slow down has been something I've struggled with. From now on, when I have those times of struggle.....i will pick up this book. Peruse the beautiful art. Take part in the tips and prompts. and let go. Right now, this is my favorite art book. Thank you Alena for inspiring me. thank you for giving so much of YOU that is so magical and so uniquely you.

One of the prompts she gives is "weeding". I began this process of writing and it turned into something else. (i think that's the magic of being still) It begins to evolve and take you places.

Fresh in my mind, was a conversation with my friend, Carissa Paige yesterday......we had some good moments. We let go of the fear of feeling guilty for not "doing it all"...and those comparison issues. it felt so good. I think we did some weeding yesterday.
 "i have big plans for you, my dear!!"

I wanted to share what grew out of Alena's prompts:

My voice is here. 
It is in full bloom.
well maybe only at the bud stage.

Why do we let ourselves feel guilty?
only giving of ourselves fully
fostering creation and growing
even through dim light.

we are a seedling, searching....
stretching toward the tiny speck of light.
we lean towards the shining spark
in hopes that one day the light will grow....
to bathe fully in its warmth.

only then, are we able to fully extend 
giving more. 

The day will come when morning brings her sunlight
heavy on the horizon. 
the Earth sings.

We bow in reverence
and accept the full presence of nurturing sustenance 
We reach higher.
the serenade begins anew.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Neat Stuff - journaling class is open for Registration

Neat Stuff: a nostalgic journaling adventure
 is OPEN for Registration!

I’m so ready to hit the ground running on our journals. My wish for you and this class is to discover something inside of you that may have been lying dormant for a while. Some creative energy that is aching to get out. I want our journals to be a safe place to experiment and make mistakes in. As well as a resting place for the words that we write by telling more of the story behind the art that is YOU! To be so uniquely you that there be no need for comparison.
Your journal is ALIVE, evolving and growing with each day. It becomes a chalise for your soul......shining bright and emerging into that which is so uniquely you.

We are going to make stamps, paint a realistic face, paint figures, design words, write from the heart, and sketch tokens. All these elements will build up gradually to add to your journal. 
Come join in on the brightly colored fun!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Paint Your Story - student work

I'm so in awe of my student's work in my Paint Your Story online class. Discoveries were made and just absolute FUN commenced.....and the work is still trickling in over on the Facebook page. I'm so blessed to have this amazing group of supportive women, who show up and support their fellow classmates. thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

here is some of the stunning work by my students:

Tracy Morgan Whichard

 Carissa Paige

Lisa Towery

Nadine Pinkley Smith

Dana Loffland

Lynda Malachesky Metcalf

 Stephanie Shelton Goodin

Susie Lafond

And this piece below, by Sue Carey just sums up the whole experience of this class and the beautiful people I had the blessing to teach. We are all one. Connected. Much love to all of you. For showing up with an open heart and a spirit that Shines all over the World.

 by Sue Carey

You can still sign up for the self-paced class here ......
and create your own Story!!