I'll admit, when I first went out on my own, married my husband and didn't have all the drama of home.....it felt foreign. It felt nice. I then realized I was experiencing happy. A happy, uneventful, calm life. I suppose I can almost understand when people get caught up in a life of chaos, destruction, and negativity that its hard to break the cycle. There may be some that continue down that road because that is the only WAY of being for them. I'm not saying I broke it gracefully. nope. I invented chaos. I picked fights. I believe I didn't deserve the life I was living. The only way I knew to exist was in a life of turmoil......all the while stating loudly in my soul that it wasn't what I wanted at all. Why must we invite and embrace this low energy? It serves no one, especially not you.
Leave it behind and feel happiness run all over your being. Get out into nature and yell into your journal. Allow it to rest on the shoulders of a higher Power. Get used to the foreign feeling of happiness. I promise you, you will grow to love it. Happiness is an acquired taste. Give it a chance.