Wednesday, January 27, 2016

365 faces challenge!

I am embarking on a journey this year to paint a face everyday. So after 26 days in, here is what I have learned:

  • the more I paint, the easier it gets
  • the more I paint, the harder it gets
  • sometimes I don't want to paint
  • most days I LOVE painting
  • on the days I don't want to paint, I am glad I took the time at the end of the day
  • the faces don't always come easy. 
  • how do I paint a different face every time?
  • how can I make it different?
  • I must stay true to myself
Only 341 more to go....this year is a leap year so it looks like I'll be doing 366.

So here they are....well the first 25, anyways:

If you want to keep up via instagram, follow me there at mindy_lacefield.
You can also check out these hashtags: #365faces #afaceadaychallenge


  1. They look wonderful! What a great challenge! :-)

  2. I love seeing your face of the day, everyday. It makes my heart utterly happy.


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