Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Painting a face using Prima products

I wanted to challenge myself to create a face with only a few supplies. I immediately thought of the beautiful Prima oil pastels and watercolor pencils. They are so color rich and amazing when activated with either the 3d gloss gel or the white gesso. You can also activate both of these with water.....so they work nicely in conjunction with each other. I started off laying down color with the oil pastels activating with gel or gesso as I went along. I then used the watercolor pencils to focus on the smaller details.

oil pastels 814328
no. 4 brush - 963866

my process!


  1. Great video, Mindy!! I need some of those great pencils!! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. thanks mindy .. you have such a sweet 'giving heart'! xo

  3. She is so beautiful!! Love your art work!!!


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