Wednesday, October 7, 2009


The last few days have been a bit melancholy for me....i'm not quite sure if its been all the rainy weather we've been having or if i was in a creative funk for a spell. Well, i'm here to tell ya the funk is over and i woke this morning to the sun shining :-) I went for a run and there's just something about running that gives me a whole new perspective. my mind clears. my creativity flows. i like to think that running purges my brain from all the toxicity that I allow to sometimes enter...."am i a good enough person"...."i can always work more"....."i've gained a little weight"

My mind is clearer today and am most certain that today will be a good day.

I guess all artists go through a spell like I had, and I'm sure you guys all know what I'm talking about.....I sit in my studio looking around and can't honestly think what i'm going to do. I sit some more. and still more. Luckily this funk only lasted for a few days, and I know they'll be more to come......but I will...... run. purge. create --------------oh yeah and I'll RETREAT!!! i'm going to manzanita, Oregon next week to gather with like-minded gals to meditate, purge, and create. I simply cannot wait. I'll definitely give you guys an overview of the week (well 4 days) of fun fellowship and painting. here is a photo of manzanita and a view from where we'll be staying.


  1. Wow, what beautiful scenery! I'm glad your run energized you and I'm sure this 4 day retreat will do wonders! I WISH I could join you :)
    Will wait to see pics and hear all about it!

  2. thanks darla....its if you'd ever like to go :-) thanks for the sweet comment. hugs doll


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