Thursday, March 14, 2013


The moment everything becomes simple. 

To look outside. see the deer lounging on the ground. 
I think they somehow sense my presence.

All I want is to be in this moment. Can I capture just
a bit more? All I know is that the waking moments
of poodle yawns and deer lounging are exactly 
where I want to be. I want to drink from this elixir
of life. Of nothing else. I need nothing else.

This is me. Hair askew. torn pants from young poodle
teeth. a paint splattered winnie the pooh sweatshirt.....
It became clear today. So clear.

And I continue to work on my clarity. to become closer to
God through simple moments. I want to achieve oneness.
Oneness with my Creator. Oneness with mankind and all
the animals. That is my wish.

sneaky peek for
something coming soon!!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mindy I love your writing!!! I am excited about the sneek. I am hoping (praying!!) that it may be a stamp set with your beautiful creations?!?!


  3. Beautiful textures and colours, just what I need to see today :) I like how you're working on clarity if this is the result!. :)xx

  4. Your art reminds me of my childhood. Love it ! :)

  5. Beautiful post! I love your artwork!

  6. <3 i've been having some lovely in the moment moments, lately, capturing the essence, locking it in my heart. kinsister.

  7. So exciting :) love this post, thanks for sharing.
    Just watched your video at lifebook. Can't wait to get to the studio :)

  8. Such a beautiful post, Mindy! I often say, "It's the little things in life"...those simple things that make us take notice and realize just how sweet our journey is! :) Excited to see what you're working on!


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